
by MSIG Smart Management, S.L.



SecurvigIA monitors in real time the Level of Emergency Risk in the Alcalá de Guadaira Business Parks included in the SecurvigIA Project, based on the information provided by sensors, cameras, users and other available external sources.SecurvigIA users can subscribe to the Risk Events of their interest, to receive notifications when their Probability leaves the range considered normal.SecurvigIA provides support to the Emergency Management in the Business Parks of Alcalá de Guadaira through the Real-time Management of Alerts, Emergencies and Response Procedures.SecurvigIA users can subscribe to the Alerts, Emergencies and Procedures of their interest, to receive notifications when they are activated or deactivated.SecurvigIA is made available to Entities interested in its use free of charge and voluntarily by the Alcalá de Guadaira City Council, upon request and verification of its adequacy to the SecurvigIA Project.Said Entities must form part of the Collaborative Emergency Plan of the Business Park to which they belong, having requested their participation in it voluntarily.To be a SecurvigIA User, it is necessary to belong to one of the aforementioned Entities, and have the approval of the person representing them in matters related to Security and Emergency Management.SecurvigIA does not provide support to the Emergency / Self-protection Plans of individual Entities, whether or not they are involved in the Collaborative Emergency Plan of the Business Park to which they belong.